Monday, August 18, 2008

Did You Know That When You Lend Your Car, You Also Lend Your Insurance

Category: Finance.

Which celebrity would you least trust to drive your car, for fear they d crash it?

No, not: "What were the 55 per cent that didn t choose Paris Hilton thinking? " but. Selection- Based on 11, 419 Responses: Paris Hilton 45% Tommy Lee 13% Courtney Love 28% Nick Nolte 14% This survey result raises a vital question. Did you know that when you lend your car, you also lend your insurance? But that s exactly the question that should be asked! When a friend wants the keys to your car, how often do you hear the question, "Can I borrow your car insurance? " Not often. Did you know that if your friend is involved in an at- fault accident, it s your insurance rate that goes up? It takes nearly six years for your insurance rate to shake off the effects of an accident!

And that s not the worst news. Accidents happen: So what should you do if one happens to you? As the accident fades from memory, your rate should also decrease. It is critical to periodically check your rate. When it s time to renew, you need to shop around. Take a look: Driving Record Low High Difference. 1 Accident$ 2, 793$ 6, 903$ 4, 110. I compared the rates of 30 insurance companies on InsuranceHotline. com using a driver with one accident on their driving record.

As you can see, the quotes vary significantly- with a price difference of more than$ 4, 10 No matter who was behind the wheel- you deserve to be on the insurance A- List! No matter what your driving record, to check out rates go to a site such as InsuranceHotline, enter your driving information, and receive a free, instant quote with the lowest rates from the top 30 Canadian insurance companies. Don t have a head on collision with your pocket book when it comes to your insurance rate.

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